Many Moodle Sites Part 3

Posted on 2:44 PM, under

So, lets dive into some of the deep details of having your own multisite moodle.   First, lets layout some ground work for how I have my site setup so that you will understand why things are done the way they are.  
  • My Moodle sites are laid out as subdirectories inside of my normal web site in the form of and  
  • All of this is running on a TurnKey Linux virtual machine.
  • Moodle data directories are in /var/lib/moodle_data/site_name
  • Moodle actually runs in /usr/share/moodle
  • All the Moodle databases are named moodle-sitename
Now, to be able to access the Moodle site at I created a folder in the web root of called elearning.  Inside of there I created a symlink called moodle_1 that points to /usr/share/moodle.  Utilizing symlinks allows me to accomplish two things:
  1. Have Moodle installed outside of my web root.
  2. Reference one Moodle install that is not directly web-accessible by many "sites" such as moodle_1 and moodle_2
Once I got the moodle_1 symlink in place, the moodle_1 data directory in place, and the database moodle-moodle_1 setup I navigated to and the install script started automatically.  I proceeded through it as normal.  Once it finished I ensured the site was functioning as it should.

The next part is where it got tricky.  Since there is only one config.php in the Moodle root I had to modify it to use variables instead of static paths.  The result is a config.php that uses the database and data directory that correspond to the web address being accessed.  Here is the file that I created:


$orig_page  = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
$pieces = explode('/', $orig_page, 4);

$CFG->dbtype    = 'mysql';
$CFG->dbhost    = 'localhost';
$CFG->dbname    = 'moodle-'.$pieces[2];
$CFG->dbuser    = 'mUser';
$CFG->dbpass    = 'password';
$CFG->dbpersist =  false;
$CFG->prefix    = 'mdl_';

$CFG->wwwroot   = 'http://'.$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].$pieces[0].'/'.$pieces[1].'/'.$pieces[2];
$CFG->dirroot   = '/usr/share/moodle';
$CFG->dataroot  = '/var/lib/moodle_data/'.$pieces[2];
$CFG->admin     = 'admin';

$CFG->directorypermissions = 00777;  // try 02777 on a server in Safe Mode

As you can see, there are some odd looking lines in here now so lets break it down.  We start out by clearing the variables:
We then make two new variables:
$orig_page  = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
$pieces = explode('/', $orig_page, 4);
The first one stores what ever is in your address bar after the  The second takes and uses the explode command to break the address at the /'s and stores the results in an array.  The last part of the second line says that everything after moodle_1 is stored as a single string since we do not care about that part.  Putting this all together, the web address is stored in an array as
1: elearning
2: moodle_1
3: admin/replace.php

As you can see, there is nothing stored in the first part of the array... this is because we did not pass in the part.

Next comes
$CFG->dbname    = 'moodle-'.$pieces[2];
$CFG->dataroot  = '/var/lib/moodle_data/'.$pieces[2];
which looks at what is in position 2 of the array, in this case moodle_1, and inserts it in the database name and the dataroot path.

Lastly, we have the most complicated looking line:
$CFG->wwwroot = 'http://'.$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].$pieces[0].'/'.$pieces[1].'/'.$pieces[2];
This strange combination of things pieces together the base web address of the Moodle site by doing the following:
  • http:// --enough said.
  • . --concatenate symbol in PHP.
  • $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]   --this pulls the part of your web address
  • $pieces[0] --gets what is in position 0 of the array (not really needed in this setup, but easier to under stand that way)
  • '/' --adds a / to the address
  • $pieces[1] --gets the elearning part
  • $pieces[2] --gets the moodle_1 part
To save space, I am guessing you can figure out the parts that are repetitive.  

There is one more thing you need to do.  Once the site is up, go to Administration --> Server --> Session Handling and check the top box to use the database for session information plus enter the site name (moodle_1 in this case) in the box for cookie prefix.  These ensure your browser does not get confused about what site you are visiting.

That is it.  All set.  I am running two sites this way now and about to roll out the template site so that I can start creating the other needed sites.  Once I get the script written that is referred to in my last post I will post it also.  Hope this helps!

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Many Moodle Sites Part 2

Posted on 2:11 PM, under

Yay for another breakthrough!  I have now figured out how to automate the creation of additional Moodle sites in a multi-site setup.  To do this, I will have a "site" that is used as a template for all future sites.  Once this template site is setup and configured to my liking I will then use the methods outlined on the official Moodle documentation site for Migrating a Complete Moodle site - Method 2... with one exception: I will perform these steps via a script.  The script will:
  1. Create a database for the new site
  2. Create the new data directory
  3. Create the symlink for the new Moodle root
  4. Put the template site in Maintenance Mode
  5. rsycn the data directory
  6. Perform the MySQL dump
  7. Take the site out of Maintenance Mode
After that, I will log into the new Moodle site and go to admin/replace.php to fix the web links in the database... and that is it... the new site is built and ready to go.

Shortly I will post details on how to initially configure your Moodle installation so that it can support multiple sites.  Until then...

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I have had a breakthrough in managing multiple Moodle sites on the same server. I have figured out how to have a single install of Moodle with a single config.php file in it run multiple sites... this will make patching much easier! I will post more details after further testing... but I already have two sites running with this setup!

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