As I mentioned in my last post, I believe that Moodle can be very beneficial to educators. Some of the key ways in which it can make a teacher’s life easier are by providing accountability on the part of the students, allowing for less paper to be used, allowing for instant grading, and allowing for self-paced work. The accountability part comes from the fact that Moodle logs all access to pages. This is helpful because the teacher can verify that a student was on the site when they claim to have been. Less paper is needed because reports and the like can be written directly on the site or in a word processing application then uploaded… no paper copy needed. Quizzes and tests can be given and graded as soon as Submit is pressed. Lastly, during an assignment, a topic can be talked about with a brief skills assessment given afterwards. If the assessment shows that further instruction is needed then it can take the student to that, if not then the student can move on to the next topic. There is much more that Moodle can do, this is just enough to wet your appetite for it… I hope.
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