Swift Warstrider

Posted on 9:22 AM, under

I have decided that I am after a Swift Warstrider.  This one may take a bit longer since I need a total of 90 Marks of Honor to get it.

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YAY! I have now accomplished the achievement Frostwolf Howler.  Now on to getting some of the other PVP mounts for Aldork plus getting another set of BoA Shoulders from Wintergrasp.

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What is this?

Posted on 1:30 PM, under

So, I was in the Basin the other day and came across something that looks like a hatch.  When I moused over it I saw some odd looking numbers in the tool tip and do not have a clue what it is I actually ran across.  I am hoping maybe one of you know what this is.

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New Template

Posted on 11:46 AM, under

Yes, the look has changed... but it is still me :) I am working to get everything converted to the new layout and to get all the links working... please bear with me.

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Right now I have a lot of free time on my hands so I am working on getting some things in WoW that I have wanted for a while and working on leveling some new toons. One such item is the Horn of Frostwolf Howler for my main. I am about half way there now and hope to (maybe) have it this week... we shall see.

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WoW on a Tablet

Posted on 10:31 AM, under

I saw this video and felt the need to share it in as many places as I could since I liked it so much...

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