I finally decided to finish leveling my original WoW toon named Namdrof. He is up to level 71 now and has acquired the biggest dagger I have ever seen... Keleseth's Blade of Evocation (click on my name and check out it's 3D model). This thing is larger than a lot of one-handed swords!

This week I have been tasked with the following:
If money were not an issue I think I would want to initially use probability sampling that would then lead to snowball sampling. It seems to me that this would cover the most people while also aiding in targeting the people who actually are important to the survey's successful collection of relevant data.
Which sampling procedure will you actually use for the project? Why?
If money were no object and you were conducting the semester project as a "real" marketing research firm, which sampling procedure would you use? Why?Our group is doing research about the sales of Ramen Noodles. I am fairly certain that we will be doing convenience sampling due to no budget and being located on and around a college campus.
If money were not an issue I think I would want to initially use probability sampling that would then lead to snowball sampling. It seems to me that this would cover the most people while also aiding in targeting the people who actually are important to the survey's successful collection of relevant data.

Hello again. Today I will be taking on another assignment:
Now time to go look at some classmates' posts and give a litte feedback.
1. Complete the questionnaire found at the following link: http://www.westga.edu/~cbrown/Rsh/Bad_QuestThe first thing I noticed wrong was that the first question uses "you" while two and three use "I" and "my" respectively. Also, the format of question three is a little confusing to me... how exactly should I go about giving my answer? Question five assumes you do not like your car since there is no "not applicable" option. Lastly, question eight does not provide an other option for majors that do not fit in the listed options (like mine). Oh, and there is also the problem of an online survey that cannot be answered online (a flat web page).
2. In your blog, discuss at least three things that are wrong with the questionnaire. Note: I'm looking for structural errors such as problems with question wording, directions, scales, etc. rather than question relevance.
Now time to go look at some classmates' posts and give a litte feedback.

I signed up for NPD and immediately got my first survey. As requested, it was on video games. Towards the end it morphed into asking about my shopping habits. I will edit this post once I am able to take a couple of more surveys... but that timeframe is dependant on them sending me more.

To start things off, here is the assignment that this post will be in reference to:
On to the next company, SurveySpot. SurveySpot has a slighly catchier site (IMO) and boldly promotes that they offer their members rewards for taking surveys. There was also a familiar link in the lower left that set me at ease about this company... it is the BBB logo. When I clicked it a new window opended with the following informaiton:
e-Rewards Opinion Panel has an entirely different approach. Membership is by invitation only from a sponsor... no signing up for this one. They have their Member Agreement listed prominently and it contains a WALL of text. On that page they have logos from several well-known companies like Blockbuster and Pizza Hut and Borders. Also, they too are part of the BBB.
Now for the last company. ZoomPanel has a very simple but effective website. They seem to be geared quite differently than the others, though I can't put my finger on why I think this. One thing that stood out was that they mention "in home tests" on their About Us page.
Now comes the hard part... I have to decide which one to try out for the next part of this assignment... look for the results here. Until then...
In your blog, discuss what services these firms provide to companies, and the benefits to consumers who sign up to participate.Now that we have that out of the way let's dive into the first company, Greenfield Online. There isn't really a lot of info unless you join the site. They claim to be the "number one online survey community" and say that "Because of our global focus on quality practices, companies trust the results of our surveys and pay more attention to your opinions." Lastly, if you click on thier About Us link they also say that they "serve the needs of more than 300 marketing research firms" which sounds kinda impressive.
On to the next company, SurveySpot. SurveySpot has a slighly catchier site (IMO) and boldly promotes that they offer their members rewards for taking surveys. There was also a familiar link in the lower left that set me at ease about this company... it is the BBB logo. When I clicked it a new window opended with the following informaiton:
Survey Sampling International meets all BBBOnLine participation and Better Business Bureau accreditation standards and is authorized to display the BBB Accredited Business seal.Enough about SurveySpot... let's move on and look at NPD Online Research. Let's just start with a quote from thier site:
•This business has been operating since 09/15/1977
•This business was accredited by BBB on 06/23/2003
•This business was approved as meeting BBBOnLine standards on 07/07/2003
The NPD Group provides consumer and retail information and insights for a wide range of industries. We’ve been at it since 1967, and we’re considered the gold standard for market research in each industry we track. More than 1,400 manufacturers and retailers rely on NPD information to help them make successful business decisions.Their site has a plethera of information available, much more than any other site so far. Like the others, they offer rewards for taking some of thier surveys. Unlike the others, they actually tell you the industries they cover on their About NPD page. Another unique thing I noticed was a link for info for parents under which was this statement: "NPD Online Research welcomes teen members, too! If there’s a teen in your household, read on for details."
e-Rewards Opinion Panel has an entirely different approach. Membership is by invitation only from a sponsor... no signing up for this one. They have their Member Agreement listed prominently and it contains a WALL of text. On that page they have logos from several well-known companies like Blockbuster and Pizza Hut and Borders. Also, they too are part of the BBB.
Now for the last company. ZoomPanel has a very simple but effective website. They seem to be geared quite differently than the others, though I can't put my finger on why I think this. One thing that stood out was that they mention "in home tests" on their About Us page.
Now comes the hard part... I have to decide which one to try out for the next part of this assignment... look for the results here. Until then...

This may well be one of the most touching and simultaneously sad videos I have seen. The song gives me chills every time I hear it.
I found this at http://www.bigandrich.com/node/419.