1. Complete the questionnaire found at the following link: http://www.westga.edu/~cbrown/Rsh/Bad_QuestThe first thing I noticed wrong was that the first question uses "you" while two and three use "I" and "my" respectively. Also, the format of question three is a little confusing to me... how exactly should I go about giving my answer? Question five assumes you do not like your car since there is no "not applicable" option. Lastly, question eight does not provide an other option for majors that do not fit in the listed options (like mine). Oh, and there is also the problem of an online survey that cannot be answered online (a flat web page).
2. In your blog, discuss at least three things that are wrong with the questionnaire. Note: I'm looking for structural errors such as problems with question wording, directions, scales, etc. rather than question relevance.
Now time to go look at some classmates' posts and give a litte feedback.