Adobe does not offer a 64-bit version of Flash yet so to get Pandor's gadget to work Sidebar must run in 32-bit mode. To do this, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and edit SideBar, changing it to C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Sidebar\sidebar.exe /autoRun. After that Windows will run the Sidebar.exe in Program Files (x86) instead of the 64-bit one.

UPDATE: There seems to now be a shortcut on the desktop for installing to disk. Just open Konsole and enter ./
Download your copy from
Download your copy from

So, you want to run OpenVPN or VMware on Windows 7 or Vista? Get ready to use Regedit. To make these work as they should you need to go to hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} and look in the entries (there are about 17 of them) below it. Look for a driverdesc that has vmware or TAP-Win in it. In those that do, right click and create a new DWord. Make its name *NdisDeviceType with a value of 1. Beyond that, the normal setup instructions work great. I used the OpenVPN Quickstart on Windows 7 x64 Enterprise with no problem. One note though, if it is your server like mine is then be sure to change %ProgramFiles% in the server config file to the actual path since OpenVPN runs under Program Files (x86).
The reason you have to make these edits is in the way Windows 7 and Vista handle networking and is all explained at OpenVPN's special interface and VMnet1 & VMnet8 are not actually connecting to a traditional network and therein lies the problem.
The reason you have to make these edits is in the way Windows 7 and Vista handle networking and is all explained at OpenVPN's special interface and VMnet1 & VMnet8 are not actually connecting to a traditional network and therein lies the problem.

This is a computer called a SheevaPlug that plugs into wall outlet! It is as powerful as many desktop PC's and is designed to run network services like websites, email, and VPN. Best of all, it is only $99 at Globalscale Technologies, Inc. Thanks to Linux Journal for showing this to me in their magazine.


Development of our questions seemed straight forward. We analysed the video of our focus group and then decieded what the two main topics were that we needed to address. From there it was just a matter of formulating questions that that would get us the information needed to solve the problems. Getting to those questions was not the easiest thing in the world but it was not too bad either.