So, you want to run OpenVPN or VMware on Windows 7 or Vista?  Get ready to use Regedit.  To make these work as they should you need to go to hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} and look in the entries (there are about 17 of them) below it.  Look for a driverdesc that has vmware or TAP-Win in it.  In those that do, right click and create a new DWord.  Make its name *NdisDeviceType with a value of 1.  Beyond that, the normal setup instructions work great.  I used the OpenVPN Quickstart on Windows 7 x64 Enterprise with no problem.  One note though, if it is your server like mine is then be sure to change %ProgramFiles% in the server config file to the actual path since OpenVPN runs under Program Files (x86).

The reason you have to make these edits is in the way Windows 7 and Vista handle networking and is all explained at  OpenVPN's special interface and VMnet1 & VMnet8 are not actually connecting to a traditional network and therein lies the problem.

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